I'm always asked about whether or not buyers or sellers can purchase or sell a home on their own. The analogy is like pulling teeth while at a dentist or building my own house. Though technically, I could pull my own tooth, or if I was stranded on a deserted island and had to make my own shelter, then perhaps. But if not, then my answer is NO!!!
In the case of my tooth, I could hurt myself, damage the roots or nerves, get an infection, bleed profusely, and so on. When building a house, I know the rudiments of making a house, but I wouldn't want to use a saw or drill or use heavy equipment and machinery. So, in the same way, when buying or selling real estate, why not hire a professional Realtor? There are so many things a home buyer / seller must do in order to have a successful sale and it is always better to leave it to professionals.
For more info, go to my website at www.vancouverfirsttimehomebuyer.ca or TEXT me for info on upcoming home buying seminars on real estate at (604) 7646873.