In real estate, they say that one of the most important aspects of your property is its location--, "Location, location, location". Location is very important, it's true. There's a difference between North side and South side, West side and East side. Values of homes in Shaughnessy are different than that of Dunbar, or Kitsilano or Kerrisdale. But when it comes to real estate in the Greater Vancouver area, it's all about your LOT! Lot size and zoning are equally important when selling your home.
Your property's location and zoning will determine the type and size of home you can build, and in today's market, when laneway homes, in-fill housing, and secondary basement suites are allowed to be built in addition to the main house, zoning is extremely important! Is your property zoned for a duplex, triplex? What about selling to builders? Have you and your neighbours ever thought about selling your homes and that of your neighbours on the same block, to builders?
If you are thinking of selling your house, look at its zoning and do your own research as to what is allowed by the city. Take a good, close look around your neighbourhood to see what newer homes look like, and look at the allowable square footage of the new home.
The face of Vancouver real estate is changing rapidly. Are you aware of your property's full potential? Are you in the 'know' of what your neighbours have been doing to get top dollar when they sell to builders, for their property?
Perhaps you are thinking of consulting an architect to draw up some plans to show potential builders or buyers what your home could look like. This extra time and effort on your part could be well worth it when selling your home.
But before you do anything, why not join our two hour FREE seminar? We'll show you how you could maximize your home to builders and sell it for top dollar. You could just be sitting on Camelot! Space is limited. Pre-registration required.
To register, click on the link below.
Geraldine Santiago, Published Author and Realtor

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