Attend our 3rd annual seminar for sellers wanting to sell their home as a land assembly. Find out how and if your property qualifies, and what properties are being rezoned in your neighbourhood. Densification is the answer to our housing crisis and in order to do that, land assembly is needed.
Did you know that 89% of Canada's land ownership is owned by Crown Land? Crown land is land (or land covered by water like rivers or lakes) that is owned by the provincial government. This includes forests, parks, beaches, public swimming pools, community centres, public libraries etc. We love our parks and forests, and can't build there!
So where are we going to find land to build upon, to make way for the increase in population in metro Vancouver? If Crown land is not being sold, sales from individual land owners might be the answer. Perhaps land assembly is our our hope.
Go to for more information and to pre-register as space is limited.